Greatful Dead - The Same Thing vaizdo klipas

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Greatful Dead

The Same Thing dainos žodžiai

What makes a man go crazy when a woman wears her dress so tight
What makes a man go crazy when a woman wears that ol' dress so tight
Must be the same ol' thing that make a tom cat fight all night

Now, why do all the big men try to run a big-legged woman down
Now, why do all the big men try to run a big ol' woman down
Must be the same ol' thing that makes a bulldog a huggling 'round

It's that ol' same thing, now tell me who's to blame
The whole world is fighting about that ol' same thing

What make you feel so good when your baby's in her evening gown
When your baby get a little bit of an evening gown
Must be that same ol' thing that makes a preacher lay his bible down

It's that ol' same thing, it's that ol' same thing


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