Greatful Dead - Sugaree vaizdo klipas

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Greatful Dead

Sugaree dainos žodžiai

When they come to take you down When they bring that wagon 'round
When they come to call on you and drag your poor body down

Just one thing I ask of you, just one thing for me
Please forget you know my name, my darling Sugaree
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me

You thought you was the cool fool and never could do no wrong
Had everything sewed up tight. How come you lay awake all night long

Just one thing I ask of you, just one thing for me
Please forget you know my name, my darling Sugaree
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me

Well in spite of all you gained you still had to stand out in the pouring rain
One last voice is calling you and I guess it's time you go

Just one thing I ask of you, just one thing for me
Please forget you know my name, my darling Sugaree
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me

Well shake it up now Sugaree, I'll meet you at the jubilee

Just one thing I ask of you, just one thing for me
Please forget you know my name, my darling Sugaree
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me
Shake it, shake it sugaree, just don't tell them that you know me


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