Greatful Dead - Thats It For The Other One vaizdo klipas

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Greatful Dead

Thats It For The Other One dainos žodžiai

The other day they waited, the sky was dark and faded,
Solemnly they stated, "He has to die, you know he has to die."
All the children learnin', from books that they were burnin',
Every leaf was turnin' ; to watch him die, you know he had to die.

The summer sun looked down on him, his mother could but frown on him,
And all the others sound on him, but it doesn't seem to matter.

And when the day had ended, with rainbow colors blended,
His mind remained unbended, he had to die, you know he had to die.

Spanish lady comes to me, she lays on me this roes.
It rainbow spirals round and round it trembles and explodes.
It left a smoking crater of my mind I like to blow away.
But the heat came 'round and busted me for smiling on a cloudy day.

Comin', comin', comin' around, comin', around,
Comin', around, in a circle
Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' around, in a circle,
Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' in a circle.

Skippin' through the lily fields I came across an empty space,
It trembled and exploded, left a bus stop in it's place.
The bus came by and I got on, that's when it all began,
There was cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land.

Comin', comin', comin' around, comin', around,
Comin', around, in a circle
Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' around, in a circle,
Comin', comin', comin' around, comin' in a circle.

And when the day had ended, with rainbow colors blended,
Their minds remained unbended,
He had to die, Oh, you know he had to die.


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