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Acid Drinkers dainų žodžiai, tekstai

Acid Drinkers - Megalopolis
Metropolis creates mob and mob creates its face Megalopolis builds barriers, you die under their st...

Acid Drinkers - Maximum Overload
I don't remember if I let it be known I was a butcher, I even cut myself I worked with precision, ...

Acid Drinkers - Max
Sittin' in his strange room After midnight, under the moon Thinkin' ' bout fuckin', lookin' through...

Acid Drinkers - Masterhood Of Hearts Devouring
People, listen, for whom the war Beautiful, international brawl I'm in no mood to bargain Make me...

Acid Drinkers - Marian Jest Metal Guru
Kup se perkusj(c) Kup se gitar(c) WĘcz se mikrofon Czadzimy, stary To prosty rytm Lecimy r¢wno...

Acid Drinkers - Marian Is A Metal Guru
Buy yourself some drums And a guitar too Turn on the mike We're jammin' dude! Steady as she goes...

Acid Drinkers - Love Machine
You know this is the end, when you're in her hands And your desire is on the edge of madness I kno...

Acid Drinkers - Konsument
Lyrics are not included...

Acid Drinkers - King Kong Bless You (Message For Motherfuckers)
Attention everybody Attention gays and women I've made a proclamation You've got to hear it I wa...

Acid Drinkers - King Kong Blees You
Attention everybody Attention gays and women I've made a proclamation You've got to hear it I wa...

Acid Drinkers - Jest Tam Kto??
U3/4yj swej mdrej gĘowy U3/4yj swej mdrej ÜwiadomoÜci To nic zĘego Wypr¢buj wyobra"ni(c) Spraw...

Acid Drinkers - Iq Cyco
I've been down, I've found the gun I start to fight agains... Stad by my side, one thing in mind ...

Acid Drinkers - Infernal Connection
Blood from blood Bone from bone I know this smell I saw this smile I remember the action Now I ...

Acid Drinkers - Im A Rocker
I've appeared without a reason Yeah, I came without an invitation I clibed you heads with my dirty...

Acid Drinkers - I Mean Acid / Do Ya Like It?
It's not true, that I'm a drunkard Even though mother damned a thousand times, It's not true, that...

Acid Drinkers - I Am The Mystic
I'm a street spy, I'm a Spanish fly I'm coarse, thorough, and a sensitive bastard I'm always a pig...

Acid Drinkers - Hydrogen
Another day, Another lied, More hopes and words And thoughts black as a nite Another place Anot...

Acid Drinkers - Human Bazooka
Loaded like a nuclear head Filed up to the top Muscles like a football player Blind as v1 Doesn'...

Acid Drinkers - House Full Of Reptiles
This house is full of reptiles Full of tails and feet Full of snouts and tongues And that terryfy...

Acid Drinkers - Home Submarine
I was living in a fort And I didn't want to leave at all I didn't even have a plan Even to poke m...

Acid Drinkers - Hiperenigmatyczny Towar Pana Nic
Gdzie jest droga do twego serca? Kt¢r(c)dy do twej duszy? Co z twoj dziewczyn czĘowieku Chcesz ...

Acid Drinkers - Hiperenigmatic Stuff Of Mr Nothing
Where's the road to your heart? Which way to your swollen soul? What about your girlfriend, man C...

Acid Drinkers - High Proof Cosmic Milk
I don't think i've seen Something like that I'm preety sure that I haven't tired that I'm ready ...

Acid Drinkers - Hell It Is A Place On Earth
My house is burning, walls are falling apart, Desolation, and I'm a fool, I'm not gonna Escape fro...

Acid Drinkers - He Was Here Again
Sittin' in his strange room After midnight, under the moon Thinkin' ' bout fuckin', lookin' through...

Acid Drinkers - Handlarz Narkotyk¢w
Sprzedaje hasz I inne g¢wno...

Acid Drinkers - Gain On Shit
There is no life In what you selling me There is no life The love that you offer Is synthetic st...

Acid Drinkers - Flooded With Wine
Man came on friday night He was full of optimism Its so rare now, We started full of hope, We st...

Acid Drinkers - El Pecado
It comes in without pain Dissolves everything inside It shrinks and tightens my brain Throws my c...

Acid Drinkers - Shes Gonna Be A Porno Star
Yes, she's gonna be famous She's gonna be rich She doesn't care about anything She's just a kind ...

Acid Drinkers - Seek And Destroy
We're scanning the scene in the city tonight We're looking for you to start up the fight Oh, there...

Acid Drinkers - Ronnie And The Brother Spider
He died on the edge of the town Poor, poor Ronnie Oh why, why dude You were not a fool Is this a...

Acid Drinkers - Rocknroll Beast
I got nothing to say And nothing to reproach Hi! Tausenn Welcome to the nasty boys. I got someth...

Acid Drinkers - Red And Grey
I loose my doubtful self control Can't catch a breath anymore You still keep on killing me I scre...

Acid Drinkers - Rattlesnake Blues
Johnny started to play With it at shool And finished in the forest His friend played with Matche...

Acid Drinkers - Rats / Feeling Nasty
Deep darkness, hard stench, the dirt, the pressure Poison - gas, the circus, we vade in the sea of ...

Acid Drinkers - Pump The Plastic Heart
A piece of living meat Was the nicest gift I could ever give He never thought he'd see A second c...

Acid Drinkers - Propaganda
Show me more blood Show me more bones Let me hear more screams Help me rot to the core Show me m...

Acid Drinkers - Private Eco
The lava kept on flowing The islands was covered The lava kept on flowing An information river M...

Acid Drinkers - Poplin Twist
Psychodelic band gives them a rhytm Swollen procession in disgusting hops Look at the blind - men ...

Acid Drinkers - Polska Krew
Za mdry nie jestem, lecz spr¢buj nazwa mnie gĘupkiem Mam doÜ niskie morale, lecz spr¢buj mi to p...

Acid Drinkers - Polish Blood
I'm not too wise but just try to call me stupid My morals are pretty low, but just try to tell me s...

Acid Drinkers - Pod^E Wadliwe Zjawisko
Wizja niesprawiedliwej sprawiedliwoÜci przera3/4a mnie Zabij(c) g¢wno a p¢jd(c) siedzie za czĘowie...

Acid Drinkers - Pod Luf
Mo3/4e ty chcesz by trupem, musisz uwa3/4a na gĘow(c) Wygldasz jak szczur, to twoja wielka pr¢ba...

Acid Drinkers - Pizza Driver
OpuÜciĘ miasto dawno temu SkusiĘ go anielski pyĘ No I pocignĘ za kobiet A niezĘe u nas wzi(c)c...

Acid Drinkers - Pig To Rent
Bllod, split, mud, stench! Piggy plays fantastic game! Puff! Puff! A violent wrench! Piggy is in ...

Acid Drinkers - Pajac
Pajac jest fajny, pajac jest Üwietny Jest najlepszy w swojej bran3/4y, wyrywa najwi(c)ksz kas(c) ...

Acid Drinkers - Nagasaki Baby
Her eyes see a splintered sky and the sun's forgotten them Her face is a fresh wound, honestly it's...

Acid Drinkers - My Pick
I feel an urge to melt To vanish like the day To fly above the trees To try another way My nerve...

Acid Drinkers - My Caddish Promise
I'd like to ask you to do something You see, I hate any objections So die, die for me I require i...

Acid Drinkers - Murzyn Mariusz
Co za cholerny, g¢wniany pech Mariusz I ja w tej samej klasie Wszystkie dziewczyny s bardzo podni...

Acid Drinkers - Moshin In The Nite
Litza's teeth tear the cork from the wine His hunger is so visible now The sight of this guy makes...

Acid Drinkers - More Life
Do you know what's ahead? Do you have enough strength? Will you wait in toliet? Can you go throug...

Acid Drinkers - Mike Cwel
Mike does these things gratis He is very well known in the city His ass is his decoy and a trap fo...

Acid Drinkers - Midnight Visitor
Tonight I'll fight with dream It's always unkind This drem 'bot him Oh, fuck, it's cracked My lo...

Acid Drinkers - Mentaly Defiecent
Soft words you can whisper to my charming asshole Soft treasons, bloody gossips, abominable stories...

Acid Drinkers - Mentally Deficent
Soft words you can whisper to my charming asshole Soft treasons, blood gossips, abominable stories ...

Acid Drinkers - Menel Song / Always Look On The Bride Side Of Life
[Ilde / Altman]...

Acid Drinkers - Youth
Today's youth don't want a Volvo They don't want a Jaguar They don't want semi-dry wine Mercedes ...

Acid Drinkers - You Freeze Me
Words are not available inside the CD's booklet...

Acid Drinkers - You Are Lost My Dear
This Strange situatien makes you sad You feel a big piece of shit in your poor head Yeah, take it ...

Acid Drinkers - Woman With The Dirty Feet
Baby, I wanna see you tonight I love the stink of your body Let me show you what I can Honey, I'm...

Acid Drinkers - Whats Happening In The Heart Of A Pacifist?
I'd have to be blind - to be safe I'd need to be deaf - to be safe I would need to be wounded in a...

Acid Drinkers - What A Day
We came yesterday Here it's not O.K Everywhere we feel Smell of little lies. Menace, Confusion ...

Acid Drinkers - We Gotta Find Some Power
We came yesterday Here it's not O.K Everywhere we feel Smell of little lies. Menace, Confusion ...

Acid Drinkers - Walkway To Heaven
If you really loved me, you'd take me out to town If you really loved me, you'd never forget me If...

Acid Drinkers - Waitin 4 The Hair
Fifty bears jumped on my neck And fago told me it would come back, yeah! He said: "Sometimes it's ...

Acid Drinkers - Wgfs Power
We came yesterday Here it's not O.K Everywhere we feel Smell of little lies. Menace, Confusion ...

Acid Drinkers - Vile Vicious Vision
A vision of unjust justice still frightness me I kill a shit and they sentence me for killing a man...

Acid Drinkers - United Suicide Legion
Their thoughts are the same Is their poverty just a game They hardly eat and hardly sleep They do...

Acid Drinkers - Under The Gun
Maybe you wanna be dead, you gotta watch your head You look like a rat, this is your big test Spee...

Acid Drinkers - Two Be One
Everybody listen to me You better stop, don't start me up To battle 2000 years many pretext to fi...

Acid Drinkers - Track Time: 66 6 Sec
...Her eyes... Bad, fat, stinking rainy day I met woman on my way She said, she knows truth You ...

Acid Drinkers - Too Many Cops
Your daddy didn't tell you You're a joke of the summer night Yeah, You're the fifth wheel, Over y...

Acid Drinkers - Theres So Much Hatred In The Air
There's so much hatred in the air That it it's hard for me to breath There's so much venom in the ...

Acid Drinkers - Then She Kissed Me
Well, she walked up to me and she asked me If I wanted to dance She looked kind of nice and so I s...

Acid Drinkers - The Wildest Planet In Space
First World War ... Second World War ... Third World War ... Fourth World War ... War between th...

Acid Drinkers - The Violence
(I'm Sure I'm Right) Did you see these guys fighting on the streets Did you hear these f...ers, wa...

Acid Drinkers - The Last Lap
Don't give up Give all that you got This is your final lap Open the door Because you need some m...

Acid Drinkers - The Joker
Joker is funny, joker is great He's the best in his branch, he's got the biggest pay Country wide ...

Acid Drinkers - Taniec W Rzeni
Spotkaj swoje przeznaczenie Spotkaj swego s(c)dziego - B(c)dziesz wolny Moja wojna jest twoj woj...

Acid Drinkers - Taniec W Rze
Spotkaj swoje przeznaczenie Spotkaj swego s(c)dziego - B(c)dziesz wolny Moja wojna jest twoj woj...

Acid Drinkers - Superstitious Motherfucker
SPIKE IN MY HEAD !!! I'm so damn superstitious I run from black cats I don't wash my dick on week...

Acid Drinkers - Strip Tease
Money is a nerve of war, love and theatre And I'm convinced, fuck, it isn't funny And you're ashar...

Acid Drinkers - Street Rockin
I'm gettin' in Can you feel the shake Snakes and rats I'm inside Get out from here I don't need...

Acid Drinkers - Stick Around
Don't go too far away That doesn't work for me In next few hours All the killers will be free No...

Acid Drinkers - Ziomas
Armour you ass time is right to fight Slam your lips, talkin' is a bad habit. We learned to take b...

Acid Drinkers - Zero
PĘacz! SĘusznie ci si(c) to nale3/4y Mo3/4esz wy dĘugo I gĘoÜno Nikt nie ma ochoty sĘucha twego ...


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