Acid Drinkers - The Wildest Planet In Space vaizdo klipas

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Acid Drinkers

The Wildest Planet In Space dainos žodžiai

First World War ...
Second World War ...
Third World War ...
Fourth World War ...
War between the big and small
War between long hairs and skins
War over nothing but shit
War between the fat and thin
They sit and stare up at the sky
They sit and listen to the stars
Like children at the age of five
Whose minds haven't traveled so far
They sit and stare up at the sky
They sit and listen to the stars
If anyone there could see things clear
You can bet they wouldn't fly here
Hungry raid the satisfied
Conflict in the movie lines
Whites hate those not purified
War over two cheap wines
They sit and stare up at the sky
They sit and listen to the stars
Like children at the age of five
Whose minds haven't traveled so far
They sit and stare up at the sky
They sit and listen to the stars
If anyone there could see things clear
You can bet they wouldn't fly here


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