Mary J Blige - When We vaizdo klipas

Kitu Mary J Blige dainų žodžiai

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Mary J Blige

When We dainos žodžiai

Ooh baby...
When we... I gotta man to love me down all night
I just hate it when we fuss and fight
Sometimes it's hard for us to get along
But I miss him when he's not home
Nobody ever finds the perfect man
But I'm a make the best with what I have
Reminiscing on when we touch, boy we make good love... When we...
(When we...)
When we...
(Oh when we baby...)
When we...
(When we, when we...)
When we make good love
When we...
(when we...)
when we...
(when we...)
When we...
(ooh when we babe...)
When we make good love... We been together for three long years
But I don't mind cryin' meany tears
Over something that I can't control
But I love him wit all my soul
Nobody ever made me feel this way
We gonna make it through the good and bad days
I know you'll always choose what's best for us, cause we make good love... When we...
(When we...)
When we...
(Oh when we baby...)
When we...
(Oh when we baby...)
When we make good love
When we...
(when we...)
when we...
(when, when, when, when, when we...)
When we...
(ooh when we babe...)
When we make good love... Boy you make me realize
That your that special one in my life
You're my soul mate sent to me
Ain't nobody gonna be good to you as I can be
I will love you faithfully, cause our love was meant to be
Cause we make good love... [Repeat Hook 1x] [Repeat Bridge 1x]
[Repeat Hook 3x]


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