Mary J Blige - Time vaizdo klipas

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Mary J Blige

Time dainos žodžiai

1 - If I have my way
Life would be just fine
But the world is too much
And it makes me cry
Sometimes I feel like leaving
But I must be wise
Because time is not on our side (on our side)
(Don't you that time is not on our side)
Because time is not on our side (on our side) The end is coming
Stop your running
I'm telling you this is the truth
You can talk about
What you read about
Everything is on the news
People nowadays so shady
Now what is wrong with them
Something cast a spell up on their minds
And they always wanna condemn Repeat 1 While your judging me
You should look around
And you'll see how people going down
Some of them are killed over a dime
Now tell me do we really have the time
To continue with this madness
Cause I'm sick and tired of this
Trying to crush my world with jealousy
And I'm about to catch a fit Repeat 1 You're deceiving
What's the meaning
Of your retrieving
The enemy's greeting
We all are leaving, someday but
We don't know how, we are going
Please believe me, when I tell you
That time is not really on our side Repeat 1 till end


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