Weezer - Undone (The Sweater Song) vaizdo klipas

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Undone (The Sweater Song) dainos žodžiai

*Hey bro! How we doing, man?*
*Its been awhile, man. Life's so rad! This band's my favorite, man. Don't you love them?*
*Ah, man. You want a beer?*
*Ah, man. This is the best. I'm so glad we're all back together. This is great, man.*
*You know about the party after the show?*
*Ah, man, it's gonna be the best. I'm so stoked. Take it easy bro!*

I'm me
Me be
I am
I can
Sing and
Hear me
Know me
If you want to destroy my sweater
Hold this thread as I walk away

*Hey, what's up? Did you hear about the party? I think I'm gonna go, but my friends don't really
Wanna go... could I get a ride?*

Oh no
It go
It gone
Bye - Bye - Bye
Who I
I think
I sink
And I die

Chorus (2x):
If you want to destroy my sweater
Hold this thread as I walk away (as I walk away)
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked
Lying on the floor, lying on the floor
I've come undone

I don't want to destroy your tank-top
Let's be friends and just walk away
Hate to see you lyin' there in you Superman Skivvies
Lying on the floor, I 've come undone.


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