Weezer - No On Else vaizdo klipas

Kitu Weezer dainų žodžiai

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No On Else dainos žodžiai

My girl's got a big mouth with which she blabbers a lot.
She laughs at most everything, whether it's funny or not.
And if you see her tell her it's over now.
I want a girl who who will laugh for no one else
When I'm away she puts her make-up on the shelf.
When I'm away she never leaves her house.
I want a girl who laughs for no one else.

My girl's got eye balls in the back of her head.
She looks around and around, you know it makes me sad to see her like that.
Please don't believe her she says that for anyone.
And if you see her, tell her it's a hey, hey, hey, hey.

I want a girl who will laugh for no one else
When I'm away she puts her make-up on the shelf.
When I'm away she never leaves her house.
I want a girl who laughs for no one else.

And if you see her tell her it's over now.
(solo bit no singing)

And if you watch her go (watch her go),
Watch her, watch her, watch her, watch her.

I want a girl who will laugh for no one else
When I'm away she puts her make-up on the shelf.
When I'm away she never leaves her house.
I want a girl who laughs for no one else.


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