Yellowcard - Underdog vaizdo klipas

Kitu Yellowcard dainų žodžiai

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Underdog dainos žodžiai

One more trip down
Too the lost and found
To find your heart
that the quarterback punk dropped on the ground
One more trip down
Too the lost and found
To find your heart Left out
The one they picked last for the baseball game
Beat up after class
No doubt
So i wanted you were not the same
You wont be the last one anymore One long walk down
Through the hall way now
Your finding out that you dont fit in this time around
Through the hall way now
You feel left out Left out
The one they picked last for the baseball game
Beat up after class
No doubt
So i wanted you were not the same
You wont be the last one anymore(x2) Left out
The one they picked last for the baseball game
Beat up after class
No doubt
So i wanted you were not the same
You wont be the last one...


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