Yellowcard - Rough Draft vaizdo klipas

Kitu Yellowcard dainų žodžiai

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Rough Draft dainos žodžiai

Like a Saturday night I'll be gone
Like a Saturday night I'll be gone before you knew that I was there. So you wrote it down, I'm supposed to care?
Even though it's never there?
Sorry if I'm not prepared. Is it hard to see the things you substitute
for me and all my thoughts of you?
It's eating me alive to leave you. Maybe it's childish and maybe it's wrong,
but so is your blank stare in loo of this song.
Maybe it's childish and maybe it's wrong... Don't wanna be, don't wanna be wrong.
Your leaving me, your leaving me in loo of this song.
Don't wanna be, don't wanna be wrong.
Your leaving me, your leaving me in loo of this song. Breathing in your skin tonight,
quiet is my loudest cry.
Wouldn't wanna wake the eyes
that make me melt inside.
And if it's healthier to leave you be,
may your sickness come and set me free.
Kill me while I still believe that you were meant for me. Finding my own words, my own little stage.
My own epic drama, my own scripted page.
Send you the rough draft, I'll seal it with tears.
Maybe you'll read it and I'll reappear.
From the start it was shakey and the characters rash,
a nice setting for heartache where emotions come last.
All I have deep inside to overcome this desire
are friendly intentions and fare-weather smiles. And I don't wanna be, don't wanna be wrong.
Your leaving me, your leaving me in loo of this song.
Don't wanna be, don't wanna be wrong.
Your leaving me, your leaving me in loo of this song. Like Saturday night I'll be gone,
like Saturday night I'll be gone.
Like Saturday night I'll be gone,
Like a Saturday night, I'll be gone before you knew that I was there.


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