Will Young - U And I vaizdo klipas

Kitu Will Young dainų žodžiai

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Will Young

U And I dainos žodžiai

Cut to the chase
Your pretty face
Searched outer space
Leaving no trace
Making love in the heavens above
Flying so high
You and I
You and I
You and I

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
Can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
Can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Time standing still
Inch time to kill
Cheating the wheel
There are moments to steal
So another day,
Gets brushed away
You and I
You and I
You and I

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
Can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
Can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh yeah

Making love in the heavens above,
Flying so high
You... and.... I

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
I can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
I can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

Can't get my head around you
Can't bear to be without you
I can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

I Can't get my head around you
I Can't bear to be without you
I can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around

I Can't get my head around you
I Can't bear to be without you
I can't stop from thinking about you
You turned my life around


Will Young


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