Will Young - Lover Wont You Stay vaizdo klipas

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Will Young

Lover Wont You Stay dainos žodžiai

I can't deny this strange desire in my heart
So close together we can never be apart
Heal my pain,
Let me feel your fire burn alight Mmm, the more you give the more I want
Crazy aint' it just
A man like me, a girl like you
Here drowning in this lust Chorus
Oh, won't you come here
And fill the empty space between us
The moment seems to steal us away
Girl, you're the one
And I get the strangest feeling
Something tells me summer's on it's way
Lover won't you stay I swear that I'm addicted
You could say I can't let go
The more that you invite me girl,
The more I want you so
Breathe in me,
Let your love come down like fire and burn, and burn
The mood is right, the time is tight
Let's get heavenly
So lock the door, kill the lights
Just give yourself to me Repeat chorus I get this feeling
A summer feeling
Lover won't you stay
Lover won't you stay, oh yeah Repeat chorus Lover won't you stay Lover won't you stay Lover won't you....


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