Weezer - The Christmas Song vaizdo klipas

Kitu Weezer dainų žodžiai

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The Christmas Song dainos žodžiai

You told me you would be here by my side
Warming my heart on this cold winter's night
Here I sit waiting beside the tree all by myself [by myself]

You told me you would bring presents and treats
Cheering my spirits with homemade sweet meats
Here I sit waiting beside the tree all by myself [by myself]

Oh, could you ever know how much I care?
Could you ever know that out somewhere
There's a boy who really hurts?

Since I've found you
I've found a girl
I've found a thorn
I've found a queen
Now I am warm

Oh, could you ever know how much I care?
Could you ever know that out somewhere
There's a boy who really hurts?

Since I've found you
I've found a girl
I've found a thorn
I've found a queen
Now I am warm

You told me you would bring presents and treats
Cheering my spirits with homemade sweet meats
Here I sit waiting beside the tree all by myself [by myself]
Here I sit waiting beside the tree all by myself


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