Georgia Satellites - Tell My Fortune vaizdo klipas

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Georgia Satellites

Tell My Fortune dainos žodžiai

When I give up on it all
I feel like a dimestore souvenir
And she calls my name
So low and clear
She comes walking through the desert
Through the west Texas heat
Like a wave on the ocean
White sand on her feet

Run like a river
Into the sea
Easy as the wind she's reaching to me
Tells my fortune
By looking in her eyes
(line unknown)
And you tell my fortune

Like some evil dream
When my feet won't run
Yeah the seconds crawl by
And I'm coming undone
She said you worry yourself
Right on out of your mind
Come on baby pour it out
Like honey and wine

Run like a river
Into the sea
Easy as the wind she's reaching to me
Tells my fortune
By looking in her eyes
(line unknown)
And you tell my fortune

When I give up on it all
I feel like a dimestore souvenir
And she calls my name
So low and clear

Run like a river
Into the sea
Easy as the wind she's reaching to me
Tells my fortune
By looking in her eyes
(line unknown)
And you tell my fortune


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