Georgia Satellites - Over And Over vaizdo klipas

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Georgia Satellites

Over And Over dainos žodžiai

Well what is the pain when the pain don't show
Poor Richard shoutin' out go man go
Hi ho silver-o take me away
On the arms of a dream I'll never find my way

Well over and over the tear that never mends
Over and over, over and over again

Well hell yes baby, hell no
What does it matter Wanda I don't know
Nothing forgiven nothing forgot
You can tell me it the truth but I know that it's not

Well over and over, the tear that never mends
Over and over, over and over again

Well over and over, it's the tear that never mends
Over and over, over and over again

Well I said, over and over, the tear that never mends
Over and over, over and over again
Over and over again
Over and over again
Over and over again


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