Destinys Child - Spread A Little Love On Christmas Day vaizdo klipas

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Destinys Child

Spread A Little Love On Christmas Day dainos žodžiai

It's beautiful outside and the wind is whistling
I look outside my window as I see my neighbor's Christmas tree
The snow is falling, my spirit's feeling happy
I'm feelin' even better 'cause I got my family next to me

I gotta thank my Lord
(Thank you, Lord)
Thanks for what I have
(Thanks for what I've got)
I couldn't ask for more
(Wouldn't ask for more)
God, I am so glad
(Thanks for what I've got)

Some think I am blessed
(Just because of the)
Amount written on my check
(Not because of the amount)
Amount of my happiness
(Is the reason)
Why I am so blessed
(So I'm gonna...)

Havin' me a merry Christmas
Feliz Navidad
(Feliz Navidad)
And having me a merry Kwanza
Happy Hanukkah
(So I'm gonna...)

Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day

Somewhere high up in the sky my Santa Claus is coming
With Donner, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Randolph, Comet
He's bringing goodies to the ghettos and the hoodies
The mansions and suburban places and apartment kiddies

Representin' Houston, Texas
ATL in the north, ladies
Chillin' with Rosie O'Donnell
Havin' a good time
We clownin'

Some think I am blessed
(Just because of the)
Amount written on my check
(Not because of the amount)
Amount of my happiness
(Is the reason)
Why I am so blessed
(So I'm gonna...)

Havin' me a merry Christmas
Feliz Navidad
(Feliz Navidad)
And having me a merry Kwanza
Happy Hanukkah
(So I'm gonna...)

Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day

Do you have my back on Christmas day?
Yes, I got your back on Christmas day
Do you have my back on Christmas day?
Girl, I got your back on Christmas day
You got my back?
I got your back
You got my back?
I got your back
You got my back?
I got your back
You got my back?
I got your back
Do you have my back?
I got your back
You got my back
I got your back
You got my back?
I got your back
You got my back?

My youngsters, teenagers, my mommas, my poppas,
My sisters, my brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers,
My uncles, my aunties, my nephews, my nieces
I hope you
I hope you ready for the season
And I hope you heard one thing I had to say
Laugh, love, care, share, bring peace, and pray
Bring lots of happiness and joy to someone's day
(Uh huh)
We gonna spread a little love on Christmas day

Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
Spread a little love on Christmas day
[repeat until fade]


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