Destinys Child - Winter Paradise vaizdo klipas

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Destinys Child

Winter Paradise dainos žodžiai

This is how I feel, about Christmas........

It's the smell of pine, it's the Christmas lights
It's the feeling of God, it's that good ol' egg nog
It's the blessed faces, it's them happy babies
It's the family prayer, it's that new V.S. underwear
It's that anxiousness, it's that gratefulness
It's that broke shiz-nit after givin all them gifts

Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise
Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise

What this Christmas means to me, spending my time with my family
Knowing it's a season for giving, running downstairs for Mom's cooking
Send Christmas love to the ones you know, kissin' your man under the mistletoe
Spreading love to everyone, and thanking God for the birth of His Son

Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise
Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise

Snowing and it's cold outside, wrapping gifts by the fireside
My family is here, Christmas day is here, its that very special time of the year
Blessed time, a joyous time, it a giving time, a feeling time
It's a happy time, a laughing time, sharing this winter paradise

Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise
Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise

It's your gifts you give, it's your relatives
It's your kids in the back room, it's that good home-cooked food
It's the Christmas color, it's the stocking stuffer
It's the impatient nights, winter paradise

Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise
Loving and laughing and sharing this winter paradise



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