Dave Clark Five - Small Talk vaizdo klipas

Kitu Dave Clark Five dainų žodžiai

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Dave Clark Five

Small Talk dainos žodžiai

Don't you give me a-none of your small talk, Whoa-oh!
Don't you give me a-none of your small talk

Well I saw this girl and she looked so fine
I said to my friend "Boy, she's gonna be mine"
He just laughed and turned away
And I didn't know what he meant until today

'Cause all she gave me was some of her small talk
'Cause all she gave me was some of her small talk

Well now I said to this girl now don't a-waste my time
If you want my love you better make up your mind
I've got better things to do than sit here all night
I'm gonna meet the boys and drink myself tight

Don't you give me a-none of your small talk, Oh-ho-oh!
Don't you give me a-none of your small talk, yeah

She made up her mind what she was going to do
She looked to me and said "Boy, I'll have you"
Now I've finally got somethin' from life
I got more than I bargained for, I've got a wife

And she don't give me a-none of that small talk, Whoa-oh!
And she don't give me a-none of that small talk, a-no-no-no-no
None of that small talk (she don't give me none)
None of that small talk


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