Dave Clark Five - Inside And Out vaizdo klipas

Kitu Dave Clark Five dainų žodžiai

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Dave Clark Five

Inside And Out dainos žodžiai

Two little villages on their own
Each lord takin' care of his own
One with a son that never looks happy
The other with a daughter that dresses so snappy

They love each other and they're tryin' to get together
But the feud between the families isn't getting any better

Inside and out, tell you what it's all about
Inside and out, tell you what it's all about

There's only one thing for them to try
To lay their bodies down and die
This they do when the families see
They've been fighting so foolishly

You're listening to a true account
Of what this story's all about

It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about
It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about

Try as they may they just don't understand
What their children are doing
Or what they stand for today
Try as they may

Now you know what it's all about
Take a look inside and out
A very sad song with a tale of woe
I take my leave, I have to go

Look very deep and look very long
To find the moral of this song

It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about
It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about
It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about
It's inside and out, tell you what it's all about


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