Destinys Child - She Cant Love You vaizdo klipas

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Destinys Child

She Cant Love You dainos žodžiai

(Verse)I saw your new girlfriend the other day
And I expected for her to be so much more than she was
I checked out her styleThe way she smiled
The way she movedThe things she said
The way she looked at me like
I got your man
She cant love you like I can
All of her love just cant compare
To what I have
She cant touch you like I do
Cause when yall touchin
You pretend its me and you
(Chorus)And theres no wayHer love's as good as mineTheres no reason for you to waste your time
When we were togetherYou told me what you didn't like
And you went out and got exactly that typeExcept that your new girl is nothingCompared to me
Everything that she did wrongI always did right
She cant hold you like I can
Boy you a foolIf you can't realize what you had
She can't feel you like I can
Cause I'm a girlThat's always standin by my man


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