Will Young - Over You vaizdo klipas

Kitu Will Young dainų žodžiai

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Will Young

Over You dainos žodžiai

And I do like a little conversation
And it's true I don't like to be kept
But with you it's a dangerous combination
And I know I'd be out of my depth It's that time, ooh, to let it out
I've got a ruse to get me by yeah Chorus
A littlle bit of loving girl is all I can give
Lots of pretty faces suit the way that I live
Pull yourself together girl
And get on over here
Time after time, it's not right but i've
Seen the signs now I'm over you Over you Now I know I've been feeling kinda kooky
With sigh you've fallen in love
I won't lie, it's an awkward situation
But I'll try to tell you again It's that time, ooh, to let it out
I've got a ruse to get me by yeah Repeat chorus Over you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, it's that time, ooh, to let it out
I've got a ruse to get me by yeah Repeat chorus Over you
Over you
Over you
Yes, it's true


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