Violent Femmes - Out The Window vaizdo klipas

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Violent Femmes

Out The Window dainos žodžiai

Life was fun
Life was great
Til I made my big mistake
Oh no it'll never happen to me
Life was short
And life was sweet
I was thinking as I hit the street
I could hardly beleve
I could scarcely conceive
But I had gone out the window
I had gone out the window
I had gone out the window
She was fine
She looked great
And so we made our big mistake
I swear I swear I swear
It'd never happen to her
But the pavement knocked her head around
When she hit the solid concrete ground
From 30 flights above
And she was thirty something loving nothing
Gone out the window
She had gone out the window
She had gone out the window
Catch me if I'm falling,
Catch me if I'm calling
He was smart he was wise
He'd profoundly philosophize
Empathy for all humanity
'til one day by an open window
There's a note that read
I've gone out the window - I'm dead
He said yes to life for all of his life
But then one day he said no
I gotta go out the window
We all go out the window
Catch me I am falling
Catch me I am calling
Catch me we are falling
Catch me we are calling


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