Violent Femmes - Mother Of A Girl vaizdo klipas

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Violent Femmes

Mother Of A Girl dainos žodžiai

You look like you could be the mother of a girl
A girl I hated more than any other girl in the world
The way I let her treat me was totally a disgrace
I wanted to permanently wipe that smile off her face
No I'm not joking
Yes I was choking
You look like you could be the mother of a girl
A girl I loved more than any other girl in the world
The way that I treated her was totally a crime
I wanted to permanently wipe the joy out of my mind
No I'm not joking
Yes I was choking
You look like you could be the mother of a boy
Who bored me more than any other man in the land
The way that he dogged me like I was totally a jerk
I wanted to permanently pound his prick into the dirt
No I'm not joking
Yes I was choking


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