Destinys Child - Lose My Breath vaizdo klipas

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Destinys Child

Lose My Breath dainos žodžiai

Hit Me Chorus
Can you keep up
Baby boy
Make me lose my breath
Bring the noise
Make me lose my breath
Hit me hard
Make me lose my (hah hah)
Can you keep up
Baby boy
Make me lose my breath
Bring the noise
Make me lose my breath
Hit me hard
Make me lose my breath Verse 1
Ooh, I put it right there made it easy for you to get to
Now you wanna act like you don't know what to do
After I done did everything that you asked me
Grabbed you, grind you, liked you tried you
Move so fast baby now I can't find you Ooh, I'm starting to believe that I'm way to much for you
All that talk and it seems like you can't come through
All them nights like you could satisfy me
Now i see where believing you got me
Gave you the wheel but you can't drive me
Chorus Verse 2
Ooo, two things i don't like when I'm trying to get my groove
Is a partner who meets mo only halfway I just can't prove
Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim
Need a lifegurad and I need protection
To put on me in the right direction Ooo, do you understand the facts that I'm trying to give to you
You moving so slow like you just don't have a clue
Didn't mama teach you to give affection
I know the difference from a man and an adolescent
Ain't you boo so get to stepping Chorus repeats 2x's Bridge
If you can't make me say ooo
Like the beat of this drum
Why you ask for some, you ain't really want none
If you can't make me say ooo
Like the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this
Here's your papers baby you are dismissed, dismissed, dismissed, dismissed,dismissed, dismissed
Repeat CHORUS 4x's


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