Dream Theater - Lifting Shadows Off A Dream vaizdo klipas

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Dream Theater

Lifting Shadows Off A Dream dainos žodžiai

He seems alone and silent
Thoughts remain without an answer
Afraid and uninvited
He slowly drifts away

Moved by desire and fear
Breaking delicate wings

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

As the rain is pouring down
Tears of sorrow wash his mind
Drifting with the current
This stream of life flows on

He seems alone and silent
Waiting on his hands and knees
The chill of winter's darkness
Sits quietly

Moved by desire and fear
He takes a few steps away

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

And she listens openly

He pours his soul into the water
Reflecting the mystery
She carries him away
And the winds die slowly

And she listens openly
And she listens openly

Lifting shadows
Off a dream once broken
She can turn a drop of water
Into an ocean

Lifting Shadows off a Dream
Lifting Shadows off a Dream


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