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Dream Theater

Home dainos žodžiai

The Sleeper:
Shine- lake of fire
Lines take me higher
My mind drips desire
Confined and overtired

Living this charade
Is getting me nowhere
I can't shake this charade
The city's cold blood calls me home
HomeIt's what I long for
Back homewhere I belong

The city- it calls to me
Decadent scenes from my memory
Sorrow- eternity
My demons are coming to drown me

Help- I'm falling, I'm crawling
I can't keep away from its clutch
Can't have it, this habit
It's calling me back to my home

The Miracle:
I remember the first time she came to me
Poured her soul out all night and cried

I remember I was told there's a new love that's born
For each one that has died

I never thought that I
Could carry on with this life
But I can't resist myself
No matter how hard I try

Living their other life
Is getting them nowhere
I'll make her my wife
Her sweet temptation calls me home
HomeIt's what I long for
My homewhere she belongs

Her ecstasy- means so much to me
Even decieving my own blood
Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles
She's taking me to my home

Help- he's my brother, but I love her
I can't keep away from her touch
Deception, dishonor
It's calling me back to my home

Her story- it holds the key
Unlocking dreams from my memory
Solving this mystery
Is everything that is a part of me

Help- regression, obsession
I can't keep away from her touch
Leave no doubt, to find out
It's calling me back to my home


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