Dream Theater - Lie vaizdo klipas

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Dream Theater

Lie dainos žodžiai

At the bottom of lake
It's a hundred degrees I can't breathe
And I won't get out
'til I figure it out
Though I'm weak like I can't believe
So you tell me 'trust me' l can trust you
Just let me show you
But I gotta work it out in a shadow of doubt
'cause I don't know if I know you

Doing fine but don't waste my time
Tell me what it is you want to say
You sin, you win, just let me in - hurry
I've been out in the rain all day
So you tell me 'trust me' I can trust you
As far as I can throw you
And I'm trying to get out of a shadow of doubt
'cause I don't know if I know you

Don't tell me you wanted me
Don't tell me you thought of me
I won't, I swear I won't
I'll try, I swear I'll try

Mother Mary quite contrary
Kiss the boys and make them wary
Things are getting just a little bit scary
It's a wonder I can still breathe

Never been much of a doubting Thomas
But nothing breaks like a broken promise
You tell me 'bout your two more coming
But once is just enough for me

I had gotten used to being a soul destroyed
She comes in apparently to fill the void
All dogs need a leash and
At least I'll forget it
And she would never hurt me though
She's never said it
But I'm not gonna ask her today
I don't wanna scare her away
Your town, I'm all alone
And I just can't stare at the phone
I wanna talk about lifelong mistakes
And you can tell your stepfather I said so


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