Destinys Child - Home For The Holidays vaizdo klipas

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Destinys Child

Home For The Holidays dainos žodžiai

It's been a long year
And alot has happened
But the time is here (holidays)
See, I'm headed home
And I'm so excited
It's where I belong (home for the holidays)
I can already see mama's Christmas tree
Surrounded by all the family
Presents everywhere and we're so happy
I can already feel how I feel inside
Just to see my little nephew smile
The gifts that we bring only last a while
(Memories last lifetimes)
We think of all the love
Bring all the joy, (holidays)
To just give more (ring the phone)
I'm coming home for the holidays
We think of all the smiles
I think of love
With all my family and friend (I'll be home)
I'm coming home for the holidays
I hear people say, "Home is where the heart is"
I have two or three (holiday)
When I step inside
See the christmas lights
And the fire's bright (it makes my spirits rise)
I can already see mama's Christmas tree
Surrounded by all the family
Presents everywhere and we're so happy
I can already feel how I feel inside
Just to see my little nephew smile
The gifts that we bring ony last a while
(Memories last lifetimes)
We think of all the love
Bring all the joy, (holidays)
To just give more (ring the phone)
I'm coming home for the holidays
We think of all the smiles
I think of love
With all my family and friend (I'll be home)
I'm coming home for the holidays I'm going home
I'm coming home
I'm going home
I'm coming home
I'm going home
I'm coming home I can already see mama's Christmas tree
Surrounded by all the family
Presents everywhere and we're so happy
I can already feel how I feel inside
Just to see my little nephew smile
The gifts that we bring only last a while
(Memories last lifetimes) We think of all the love
Bring all the joy, (holidays)
To just give more (ring the phone)
I'm coming home for the holidays
We think of all the smiles
I think of love
With all my family and friend (I'll be home)
I'm coming home for the holidays


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