Mary J Blige - Forever No More vaizdo klipas

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Mary J Blige

Forever No More dainos žodžiai

No more invisible speechless, deaf and blind child
With neglected pleasures being addicted to denial
Floating through time, gravitating towards a warm arm
With an appetite for the emptiness that promises no harm No more uncontrollable eruptions of emotional depression
A primal s.o.s. from the barren prison or selfless expression that only the guilty with innocent
Souls-know buried in social scar tissue of defective ego No more relentless sifting through bodies seeking self
Settling through competitive combat for what's left on the shelf
A mad melee of supply and demand driven by gullible pride that leads to sedating the you that suffocates inside No more - forever no more - because i've unshut my eyes and the and the difference betweens god's words and man's wills was realized seeing opposing parallel lives some liquid, other frozen
Let me to never seek from man what God has chosen Then the negative whispering subsided and the panicking ceased the undercurrent suppression of pent - up terror was released as the mystery of the unknown manifested pristine clear
A positive message of truth entered my ear Now, across me face is a brand new smile
With a newly revealed meaning of a "destined child"
A message of hope is being released from my heart
And I am overwhelmed with dedication to do my part All I ever wanted was to be as I once was - unbounded
Somehow it got all twisted and before long sounded
As though life was a continuous connive-thrive-drive
Choking out the simple joy of just being alive Now I am filled with love and I sing a love song
A song for yesterday, today, tomorrow and beyond
My new prayer is- thank you God for setting me free
And thank you God for giving me back me


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