Mary J Blige - Deep Inside vaizdo klipas

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Mary J Blige

Deep Inside dainos žodžiai

Yeah, yeah, oh, oh The problem is, for many years
I've lived my life, publicly
So it's hard for me to find a man I trust
I rarely trust And every time I find someone I like
Gotta worry about if it's really me
That they see
And I thought you were the one, oh 1 - Deep inside I wish that you could see
That I'm just plain old Mary
Mary Repeat 1 I don't have a lot of friends
And sometimes I have to wonder
Is it cash they see when they look at me
Cause they're looking for a ride that's free
So I made the choice to be
Good to those who were good to me
Don't judge me or think I'm bitter
For the evil God's allowed me to see
I'm just Mary 2 - I'm just Mary, just Mary, just Mary Repeat 2 (3x) Repeat 1 (4x) It's the car I drive
The clothes I wear
The diamonds, the furs, and the house
Don't make the woman
So I need someone
To stand by me
And supply my needs
And I'm just plain old Mary Repeat 1 till end


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