Taking Back Sunday - Youre My Angel vaizdo klipas

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Taking Back Sunday

Youre My Angel dainos žodžiai

Looking in to your eyes
I see all I want to be
And I don't want it to end
If I could only put two words the way I see you
I only know I had an angel with me now

And when I fall asleep, you're all that I see
You're in my thoughts and all of my prayers
I wish I could be all that you mean to me

My angel without wings
My angel

I wish you could see all that you mean to me
But I could never find the words to tell you

And when I fall asleep, you're all that I see
You're in my thoughts and all of my prayers
I wish I could be all that you mean to me

And when I fall asleep, you're all that I see
You're in my thoughts and all of my prayers
I wish I could be all that you mean to me
My angel without wings


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