Taking Back Sunday - Your Own Disaster vaizdo klipas

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Taking Back Sunday

Your Own Disaster dainos žodžiai

just think of this and me
as just a few of the many things
to lie around,
to clutter up your shelves
and I wish you weren't worth the wait
cause there are some things
that I'd like to say to you And I don't think that you know
what you've been missing
cause I don't think that you know
what you've been missing and I dare you to forget
the marks you left across my neck
from those nights when we were both found at our best
now I could make this obvious and you,
you could deny me
all in one breath
you could shrug me off your shoulders And I don't think that you know
what you've been missing
cause I don't think that you know
what you've been missing
And I don't think that you know
said I don't think that you know
said I don't think that you know
what you've been missing hey lush, have fun
it's the weekend
hey lush, have fun
hey lush, have fun
it's the weekend
hey lush, have fun
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
it's the weekend
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
it's the weekend
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
[forget me, it's that simple]
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
[forget me, it's that simple]
it's the weekend
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
[forget me it's that simple]
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
[forget me it's that simple]
it's the weekend
[forget me it's that simple]
(no I don't think that you know
what you've been missing)
hey lush, have fun
[forget me it's that simple]
hey lush, have fun
[forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
[just forget me it's that simple]
just forget me, it's that simple


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