Franz Ferdinand - Your Diary vaizdo klipas

Kitu Franz Ferdinand dainų žodžiai

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Franz Ferdinand

Your Diary dainos žodžiai

Suddenly you will move away from me
What more iss it that I could be (if you move away from me)
You on that train
I was alone in your room
When there on the floor, I saw a little black book
You left it there on the floor
Open and evidence Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back - I'm back You couldn't say why you loved him
He's asking you why you loved him
You couldn't say why you loved him
But he gave you a list
Of all the rason why he did
And you couldn't reply
But you could say that you did
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back - I'm back He said he had lips like petals
Unfurling from a bud
I could have ripped page and petals
Ripped to the blood
Ripped until ripping was all it was good
But I didn't and don't
Want you ever to read
Any diary of mine
And word I may leave Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back - I'm back
Your diary, your diary, it's open and inviting me back - I'm back


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