Styx - Yes I Can vaizdo klipas

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Yes I Can dainos žodžiai

So they say that a man
Can't live in this world
If he's wearing his heart on [..]
I can

And they say that a man
Can't understand
What a woman needs when she crys
I can

I can

And I can see you standing in the yard
Tending the roses in your garden
The sun is shining trough your curtain dress
And I will freeze this moment here in time
I can live forever in your garden
Oh yes
Yes I can

Fool doesn't know
What he's missing the most
It's a [..] place to be in
Oh I am

How would I know
I could give up the ghost
And you're holding my dreams in your hand
Here I am
Here I am

And I can see you standing in the yard
Tending the roses in your garden
The wind is blowing trough your golden hair
And I will freeze this moment here in time
I can live forever in your garden
Oh yes
Yes I can

And I can see you standing in the yard
Tending the roses in your garden
The sun is shining trough your curtain dress
And I will freeze this moment here in time
I can live forever in your garden
Oh yes
Yes I can

And I can be your man
Yes I can

[fehlen ein paar woerter, sorry, aber die hab ich nich verstanden!]


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