Hannah Montana - World Poverty vaizdo klipas

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Hannah Montana

World Poverty dainos žodžiai

In the world are starving people who need help and those who have no way to get out
of this tragedy
or no help
some of them have no family
and have no one
to love Chorus
But if we help (but if we all can help)
We can defeat (We can defeat)
World poverty world poverty V2
Don’t just recognise but help the world today
defeat poverty so we can live in a world
were we are all safe
and no one living on the streets
so we say Chorus
But if we help (but if we all can help)
We can defeat (We can defeat)
World poverty world poverty
In the world where we live
there are people who have no job
and they see and
hear just like us
but we have a life to live Chorus
But if we help (but if we all can help)
We can defeat (We can defeat)
World poverty world poverty V4
If you believe we can achieve
to help the starving and the sick
so make the world a better place to live Chorus
But if we help (but if we all can help)
We can defeat (We can defeat)
World poverty world poverty World poverty


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