Donna Summer - Woman In Me vaizdo klipas

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Donna Summer

Woman In Me dainos žodžiai

It's a slow sultry night
It'll take a lifetime til sunrise
If you won't stay with me tonight
Feel your breath caress my shoulder
As your heart reads my mind
You don't have to tell me anything
I can see everything in your eyes
It's so easy with you
I don't need an excuse to be the woman in me
It's so hard to believe that I'm feeling so free to be the woman in me
Baby there's so much no man has ever touched of the woman in me
I might be trembling,
But I'm not scared
Just my desire breaking free
I've never had a chance like this before
To unlock all the doors to the woman in me
It's so easy with you
I don't need an excuse to be the woman in me
It's so hard to believe that I'm feeling so free
To be the woman in me
Like the dark side of the full moon
I've never shown what I'vm showing to you
It's so easy with you
I don't need an excuse
To be the woman in me
It's so hard to believe that I'm feeling so free to be the woman in me
It's so easy with you
I don't need an excuse to be the woman in me
It's so hard to believe that I'm feeling so free to be the woman in


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