Wallflowers - Witness vaizdo klipas

Kitu Wallflowers dainų žodžiai

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Witness dainos žodžiai

I'm standing outside your window, baby
And there you are
Another year, another candle's burning
For the party girl
No one even knows that you're there
Happy Birthday, no one cares

You come around here,
You'd better bring a witness
Everyone in here's on the guest list
And when you're gone you won't be missed
Keep one eye open
When you kiss

Your wishes won't be coming true this year
Now darling don't you cry
We're going to teach you everything
You'll learn to get by
Now lesson number one in homicide
Is emotional murder is no crime

You come around here,
You'd better bring a witness
Everyone in here's on the guest list
And when you're gone you won't be missed
Keep one eye open
When you kiss

Now sticks and stones, baby, break your bones
But the names, in here, can kill
We'd let you leave
But no one else wants you
Your ransom was not made
Now you ain't got to stand up tall
But now baby, you must stand up

You come around here,
You'd better bring a witness
Everyone in here's on the guest list
Now we've never been so impressed
Keep one eye open when, whenever you kiss


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