Joan Baez - Who Do You Think I Am vaizdo klipas

Kitu Joan Baez dainų žodžiai

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Joan Baez

Who Do You Think I Am dainos žodžiai

I am not on top of a mountain and
I am not under the ground
I am not spilling over the edges
And I am not easily found
I am not in shelter from the winter
When your head is buried in the sand
Why do the secret sellers explain things
Things I already understand

And who do you think I am
Yes you who do you think I am

Once when I was flying past the steeple
The bells were ringing in my ears
And I was counting the broken hearted people
And I was following their tears
I am not sinking in the sadness
I am not throwing bitter stones
I do not worry who will mind me
I am not dancing alone

But you who do you think I am
Yes you who do you say I am

Is it winter where you are
Try to find me if you can
When it's over it's never over
And when it's empty it's never gone
I am in silence gone from danger
Far away is the forgotten one
I am headed from that distant lighthouse
I am twisting towards the sun
I wrap around me all your goodness
If I go that way am I the only one

But you who do you think I am
Yes you who do you say I am


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