Garth Brooks - Which One Of Them vaizdo klipas

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Garth Brooks

Which One Of Them dainos žodžiai

The girl at the bar, she bought me a beer
And she'd like to know if I'm new around here
And the gal that I danced with says she's all alone
Her friends have all left and she needs a ride home

Oh and there have been others who gave me the eye
But if they only knew they were wasting their time
'Cause there's only one lover I can give my heart to
But you didn't want it and you broke it in two

(So tell me) which one of them will you be tonight
Oh which one will hold me in your arms so tight
I've forgotten what's wrong, given up on what's right
(Tell me) which one of them will you be tonight

So I'll just smile and pretend and she'll never know
Who she's up against when she's holdin' me close
You're all that I want, girl, you're all that I need
And when I close my eyes, honey you're all I see

(So tell me) which one of them will you be tonight
Oh which one will hold me in your arms so tight
I've forgotten what's wrong, given up on what's right
(Tell me) which one of them will you be tonight


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