Janet Jackson - When We Oooo vaizdo klipas

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Janet Jackson

When We Oooo dainos žodžiai

Hello my love
Wish you were here
So many things in my heart
That I'd like to share A few warm thoughts
A subtle smile
Out conversation through silence
Could last all night At ease my mind
To see your face
Those sexy eyes could calm
A heart of rage You speak my name
I touch your hand
The chemistry only true love
Could understand You've opened my soul to happiness
And shown me new ways of love
Smooth is life's travels with you beside me
I'll never walk alone Can't get enough of you
When we oooo
Can't get enough of you
When we oooo You give of you
All you can give
You've taught me love laugh
You taught me to live At rainbow's end
That pot of gold
Can't hold a light to you
'cause you're my heart and soul Can't get enough of you
When we oooo
Can't get enough of you
When we oooo Can't get enough of you
When we oooo
Can't get enough of you
When we oooo Such passionate love that we make
In time our bodies are one
Whe loving's done the passion's still strong
'cause spiritually we are as one Can't get enough of you
When we oooo
Can't get enough of you
When we oooo Can't get enough of you
When we oooo
Can't get enough of you
When we oooo


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