D Angelo - When We Get By vaizdo klipas

Kitu D Angelo dainų žodžiai

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D Angelo

When We Get By dainos žodžiai

When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by, with love
I look in your eyes, when I look in your eyes
I know what you're thinking of
Tis a beautiful day, and you're welcome to stay
We can spend some time and catch the matinee
You're so fine, and the day is fine, and we'll be fine
When we make it by and we get by with love

When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by with love
When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by with love

When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by with love
I look in your eyes, I look in your eyes
They're pretty as the skies above
Everything, everything, everything is okay
We could make love in the shade, sip some chocolate lemonade
You're so fine, and the day is fine, and we'll be fine
When we make it by and we get by with love

{Chorus} (2x)

When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by with love
I look in your eyes, when I look in your eyes
I know what you're thinking of
Cause it's a beautiful day
And you know that's a fact
You scratch mine
And I'll scratch your back sugar
You're so fine
And today's fine
And we'll be fine
When we make it by
And we get by with love

{Chorus} (3x)
When we get by, we'll make it by, when we get by, with love

{Chorus} (repeat til fade)


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