Ronan Keating - When The World Was Mine vaizdo klipas

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Ronan Keating

When The World Was Mine dainos žodžiai

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah It never rained, the sun was always shining
And every traffic light was always green
There was a time when every door was open
And the Universe was mine, or so it seemed Every roll was seven or eleven
That it would ever end never crossed my mind
I was flying higher than the heavens
Back when the world was mine Sometimes a man can't see
When he has it all
Take a look at me
Oh, how the mighty fall
Once I ruled the earth
Once upon a time
When I had your love
That's when the world was mine, oh, oh…oh, yeah Oh, the changes I'd make if I had the power
(If I had the power)
How could I have so much and be so blind
But at least for a bright and shining moment
I had you, and the world was mine Sometimes a man can't see
When he has it all
Take a look at me
Oh, how the mighty fall
Once I ruled the earth
Once upon a time
When I had your love
That's when the world was mine…oh…yeah Once I ruled the earth
Once upon a time
When I had your love
That's when the world was mine
When I had your love
That's when the world was mine, oh…
That's when the world was mine, oh… Once I ruled the earth
Once upon a time
When I had your love (when I had your love, oh)
That's when the world was mine (yeah) Once I ruled the earth (once I ruled the earth)
Once upon a time (once upon a time)
When I had your love
That's when the world was mine Once I ruled the earth
Once upon a time
When I had your love (yeah)
That's when the world was mine
That's when the world was mine
When the world was mine


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