Jim Croce - Wear Out The Turnpike vaizdo klipas

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Jim Croce

Wear Out The Turnpike dainos žodžiai

There's ice and snow on the northern roads
And the Jersey Pike is closed
Have to go and do some drivin' tonight
They say I'd be a fool if I would ride those icy roads
But a little storm ain't stoppin' me tonight

I'm gonna wear out the turnpike
Rack up those miles
Keep this rig a rollin', I'm in it every mile
'Cause she's in Oklahoma and
I'm up in Maine
So diesel sing a song that will bring me home again
Doodle doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doodle doo doo doo

There's a red light turnin' behind me
There's a trooper on my tail
I can tell I won't get to New York town on time
If he decides to pull me over
And if he get's me on the scale
I'm gonna have to tell a tale or take a fine

With the snow against my windshield
I will run on through the night
There's not stoppin' me once I hit the road
Cause the turnpike's like my second home
And I know it like my hand
So diesel sing a song that'll bring me home again



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