Shaggy - Wasnt Me (Pecial Edition) vaizdo klipas

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Wasnt Me (Pecial Edition) dainos žodžiai

Yo man (yo)
Open up man (what do u want man)
My girl just caught me ( u let her catch u?)
I dont know who I let this happen
(with who?) the girl next door u know
(ahhhhh) I dunno what 2 do! (say it wasnt u)

(rick rock)
Hunny came and she caught me red handed creepen with the da girl next door picture this we were both butt-naked bangin on the bathroom floor how cauld I forget that I had givin' her an extra key all this time she was standen' there she never took her eyes of me

(i dont know the rap but hey just be ric rok!) if u got napster or the cd let shaggy do da work!)

(ric rock)
But she caught me on the counter
(wasnt me)
Say me bangin' on da sofa
(wasnt me)
I even had her in the shower
(wasnt me)
She saw the marks on my shoulder
(wasnt me)
She even caught me on the counter
(wasnt me)
For the words that I told her
(wasnt me)
She said it really was over

Honny came and she caught me red handed creepin' with the girl next door picture this we were both butt-naked bangin on the bathroom door

I had tried to keep her from what she was about to c y would she beleve me
When I told her it wasnt me!


But she saw me on the counter
(wasnt me)
She saw me bangin' on the sofa
(wasnt me)
I even had her in the shower
(wasnt me)
She saw the marks on my sholder
(wasnt me)
For the wordsthat I told her
(wasnt me)
She said it really was over!!!


U know I said im sorry for the pain that I caused
Ive beem listenen 2 ur reason they make no scence at all
I pretend that im sorryfor the pain that I causes u may think that ur a player but ur bumpen me off I try 2 say

Caures X2

Music ÜÜ


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