Zucchero - Va Pensiero vaizdo klipas

Kitu Zucchero dainų žodžiai

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Va Pensiero dainos žodžiai

Va pensiero sul anni dorate
Cross the mountains and fly over the oceans
Reach the land find the place where all children grow
Every night after listening to this lullaby.

There you find the heroes alive protecting the innocents
Bless them all 'cause their simple song is so pure and wonderful.

Va pensiero sul anni dorate
Life's beautiful dream carry on for all night long.

Lead them your golden wings every feel will fly away
Take them by the hand help them find an easy way
Lead them back to the light back to the light
Where they once used to belong
Where they carry me children as long as they want.

Va pensiero sul anni dorate
Cross the mountains and fly over the oceans
Reach the land find the place where all children grow
Every night after listening to this lullaby
Every night after listening to this lullaby.


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