Alan Jackson - Up To My Ears In Tears vaizdo klipas

Kitu Alan Jackson dainų žodžiai

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Alan Jackson

Up To My Ears In Tears dainos žodžiai

You told me you don't love me, when you walked out the door
I stood there feelin' lonely, then the tears began to pour
What else could I do, I'd never felt like that before
So I cried an ol' blue river in the middle of the floor

Now I'm up to my ears in tears
I'm cryin' night and day since you went away
The things you used to say honey, I no longer hear
The water's cold and clear, I'm drownin' for you dear
Up to my ears in tears

Well I found some old love letters you wrote me years ago
But the words all ran together when the tears began to flow
'Cause you left that water runnin' now it's got nowhere to go
If I can't wash away your memory guess I'll just go under slow

'Cause I'm up to my ears in tears
I'm cryin' night and day since you went away
The things you used to say honey, I no longer hear
The water's cold and clear, I'm drownin' for you dear
Up to my ears in tears

Yeah I'm up to my ears in tears
I'm cryin' night and day since you went away
The things you used to say honey, I no longer hear
That water's cold and clear, I'm drownin' for you dear
Up to my ears in tears

Yeah that water's cold and clear
I'm drownin' for you dear
Up to my ears in tears


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