Avril Lavigne - Unwanted vaizdo klipas

Kitu Avril Lavigne dainų žodžiai

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Avril Lavigne

Unwanted dainos žodžiai

Unwanted - Avril Lavigne All I did was walk over
Start off by shaking your hands
That's how it went
I had a smile on my face and I sat up straight
Oh yeah yeah
I wanted to know you
I wanted to show you [chorus]
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
You don't want me there
You just shut me out
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
If you had your way
You'd just shut me up
Make me go away (so unwanted)
No, I just don't understand why
you won't talk to me
It hurts, I'm so unwanted for nothing
Don't talk words against me
I wanted to know you
I wanted to show you [chorus]
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
You don't want me there
You just shut me out
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
If you had you're way
You'd just shut me up
Make me go away
Make me go away yeah yeah yeah I tried to be long
It didn't seem wrong
My head aches
Its been so long
I'll write this song
If that's what it takes
eeeh yeah yeah ehh yeah ehh ehh [chorus]
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
You don't want me there
You just shut me out
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
If you had your way
You'd just shut me up
Make me go away You don't know me
Don't ignore me
You don't want me there
You just shut me out
You don't know me
Don't ignore me
If you had your way
You'd just shut me up
Make me go away Make me go away yeah yeah yeah yeah

Make me go awAAAAAYYYY


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