Incubus - Underground Killers vaizdo klipas

Kitu Incubus dainų žodžiai

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Underground Killers dainos žodžiai

They kill for a reason
They'll strike anyone
Doesn't matter how old or young
Pay'em big cash, they'll give'em a slash
Explain how it should be done
A shot in the head
The man cut in half
Tortured 'till death
You'll never see him back

Underground killers
They are everywhere
Killing for money
They don't care
Leaving their victims covered with blood
Underground killers
Will make a mess
Whose killing plans have been set
Murdering their victims without mercy
They promise to make it worse
Tell'em their next mission
And they'll give'em death
Burn him alive
A high voltage jolt
A stab in the back
They pomise you'll see him dead


Slay the victim to death
Dead bodies everywhere
Brutality is their authority
Killers are not afraid of death

Underground killers
They are everywhere
Killing for money
They don't care
Leaving their victims covered with blood
Underground killers
Will make a mess
Whose killing plans have been set
Murdering their victims without mercy
They promise to make it worse
More massacre for the long future generation
Their customers are the only police source of information
You've paid'em in full
For the dirty job they've done
Now you must die
Like the other ones.


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