Joe - U Shoulda Told Me vaizdo klipas

Kitu Joe dainų žodžiai

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U Shoulda Told Me dainos žodžiai

You shoulda told me
You had a man
Then I wouldn't
Waste my time
You shoulda told me
You had a man
When you knew that I was
Big on you and
No one else
Why'd you have to go
And play yourself?
You shoulda told me
You had a man
Yeah, yeah
7 weeks of passion, sexin'
6 nights a week, left my
Body exhausted and my
Knees feel so weak
Now you're
Acting mysterious, girl
You took a script and i
Shoulda seen it coming but it
It happened so quick So I made all these plans
Of becoming your man
But you left me
Here standing
With only time
On my hands
Girl, I want you but
I don't understand
You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man Repeat chorus I would never believe it but i
I seen it myself, peepin'
Through steamy windows, goin'
Down on someone else, girl
You're too much
For one man
But you're
Not enough for two
You shoulda
You shoulda been
Straight with me before
I hooked up with you So I had all these plans
Of becoming your man
But you left me
Here standing
With only time
On my hands
Girl, I want you but
I don't understand
You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man Repeat chorus You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man
It coulda been cool, baby You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man
How could you
Nver, never, never, never
Think that I would find out
You shoulda told me
You had a man
You shoulda told me
You had a man Repeat chorus


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